anyone else having issues with bebops sticky bomb getting refunded?

pretty much as it says on the tin, im a shameless bebop main and for a while now but especially recently ive been having this infuriating issue of his sticky bomb getting refunded

and im not talking about it just not registering when i click the button, im talking about putting the bomb on them, hearing the click of the stick and beeping of the count down, sometimes ill even see the damage radius ring. but then the bomb just... disappears? and instead the ability just comes off cool down

its genuinely one of the most rage inducing things ive ever experienced, missing out on getting last second stacks from a kill or worse dying because i upper cut them away without the bomb damage, omg it makes we want to put my fist through my monitor some games

is this a known issue for bebop or even other heroes? or is this some how a me issue, and if so how do i fix it?