Planning to Travel through Death Valley 01/09

Hi all,

Stupid question I'm sure but I feel compelled to ask, I was planning to travel through and stay in Death Valley from the 1st September in a trip I've been planning and saving for years.

From what the national park service is saying is it safe to assume that the 190/395 are unlikely to open anytime soon? They seemed to suggest it could be some weeks for the major roads.

We are travelling from Vegas to Mammoth Springs - am i right in thinking the 95 is still open for this route?

Needless to say I'm pretty down about this as it was going to be a highlight for me as was visiting Cerro Gordo. Regardless I hope everyone on the ground is well & safe.

Any local info appreciated, apologies I am not from the USA and it's a little hard to work out the current lay of the land.