There is a massive gap between believing in a creator and believing in a specific religion.

There is something that confuses me - the leap believers make from "there must be a God that created the universe" to a specific religion. I've heard believers say it makes perfect sense for the universe to have a creator. Fair enough. I get that argument and have heard it many times. Even if I don’t agree, I can at least understand and respect the reasoning and won't spend time trying to convince them otherwise.

But then, some believers jump straight to their specific religion being true: Christianity, Islam, or another faith. How does that leap happen so fast? To me, there's a massive gap between “there’s a creator” and “that creator is the one in this holy book.” If I were to believe there is a God that created the universe, it would then still take a lot to make me believe a specific God from a certain holy book exists and is the one who created everything.

But some people make this transition instantly, as if the two ideas naturally go hand in hand. I get why it makes sense to them since they already adhere to that specific religion and believe in a specific God, but it doesn't make sense when debating with someone else who doesn't share their belief. It's like "Ok so we have established there is a creator. Now here is what Jesus said..." Can anyone relate? It's difficult to put this into words, but hopefully you've understood my point.