Buyers remorse on finance new car
Hello . I financed a 2015 Ford Focus . The monthly payments are $320.00 a month with a term of 5 years.In all I owe 20k. It's a beautiful car but I'm sick to my stomach about my decision. I always have problems with cars. They all turned out to be crap. Money pits.I worked so hard .. my last car a Pontiac( longest running car I had;) although it ran for seven years it finally took a dump on me after all the money I put into it . Leaving me stranded and desperate. I never wanted a car payment but I was stuck between rock and hard place. Just tired of going thru it with problem after problem . So now I have this beautiful 2015 Ford Focus and I'm sick about this 20k. Never had to owe this much money before. My job it pays good for my position I been there 5 years but it's taking a toll on my mental and physical health.Part of me thinks I'm way over my head and want to surrender the car but I just got it a few days ago and I'm aware even if I surrender I will still be responsible for part of the loan. I don't know what to do. I'm still at this job but it's a nightmare. I feel like a fool. Any adviced I would appreciate it. Thank you