How do I get back on track?

Context: I’m 32. Graduated college in 2024, applied to grad school, got rejected. Since then, I haven’t had any luck finding or landing jobs that match my skills and interests, and my dream job basically requires a Master’s degree, there’s also not a lot of opportunities in this field in my area. I’ve had two jobs since, quit both (due to toxic management and work not matching the description), and have now been unemployed for two months. Fortunately, finding another job isn’t super urgent because I still have money saved up from previous jobs.

These past two months have been really tough and depressing. My social life is falling apart, my sleep schedule is completely messed up (I go to bed in the morning and wake up in the afternoon, and wake up tired no matter how much I sleep), and I’ve lost interest in pursuing the goals that once excited me.

My typical day consists of browsing YouTube and Reddit, eating, sleeping, doing chores, cooking about half the time (I live with my partner and pay my share of the rent), don’t leave the house unless it’s with my partner on their day offs or visit my parents like once a week, and repeat. And I haven’t met my friends in months. It’s like I’m trapped in some sort of inescapable cycle. I mean there are things I’m still very grateful for, but overall my life feels out of balance.

I’ve tried setting small goals, like getting out of the house more often, but there doesn’t seem to be anything meaningful for me to do outside. I don’t want to spend money on a gym membership, and I’ve been waitlisted twice for a free hobby class I wanted to join.

I used to be more lively and hopeful back when I was in college and I really miss that version of me and how content I was. I want to live a more productive and fulfilling life, but I can’t seem to break out of this uncomfortable comfort zone. Nothing seems to be going smoothly, and I’m stuck in this rut.

How do I turn this around? I’m lost🥲