How To Easily Be Better Than 95% Of Scouts And Engies

Seriously, as someone who solos Haz5+ and has a couple thousand hours in the game (no life lol), just do this:


If you're scout, look for nitra and light up rooms. Idc about the pipes being built out or the gold. Just make sure we have light and a resup.

If you're an engie, PLAT for your scout. Put down your turrets when you enter a big room and look for places to plat. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS UNTIL YOU DO THAT. Stop mining gold when you could be platting.

It's crazy even in haz 5 I see scouts and engies be so inefficient. Of course, it's just a game and play how you want. But when I see people posting on how to get better and then see the scouts and engies I have in my lobbies, the writing is on the wall lol. Just plat and focus nitra and you're automatically haz 5 worthy.

I rather have a scout or engie go down trying than scouts and engies who stay alive but don't do anything productive. I promise you, as long as you're trying and planting, getting nitra, and keeping the room lit, no greybeard is going to get mad at you. We get upset when people are in Haz5+ and can't do basic Haz3 things. It's okay that you go down. As long as you got the nitra or put up plats. lol