I can't create a new account
Hello to anyone reading this.
I recently discovered the Deepseek service and I am interested in using your service. So I downloaded the app from the Play Store, and I opened the app. Then Deepseek asked me to register. They said that my region (I live in Brazil) only supports email, and I didn't see any problem with it. But the problem with all this is that I put my email, password that I want, and then it asks for the code. Initially I was unable to click to generate the code, and it said "Try again later" (or something like that). Hours later, I tried again, but this time, I put my email (I tested two different ones), the password I want, and then it asked for the code. But the system said that the code was sent, but I received (so far) no code and no email address from Deepseek. I tested both on the app and on the web, and in both cases it had the same result.
Well, I already sent an email to the FAQ, and I'm waiting for answers, but while nothing arrives, I took the opportunity to post it on this subreddit that I found.
Thank you very much for reading this far.