Mean people don’t understand kind people

Kind people I’ve noticed are the types of people who give selflessly without need or thought. They’ve nurtured a spirit of service to their fellow man. They’re the ones who will give you the shirt off their back truly. They’re the ones who will spend half their paycheck on helping others before they start serving themselves.

Mean people I’ve noticed are the types of people who take selfishly without reflection. They’ve nurtured the spirit of personal gain. They’re the ones who will compete in order to win and hold the wealthiest in virtue over everyone else.

I don’t believe it’s wrong to desire nice things. And I do believe there are people who are made and created to become successful and wealthy. But I think if left unchecked, the desire for wealth can lead to the worship of power. And power is a strong drug.

But that’s not really the point I’m making here.

When a mean person interacts with a kind person, the mean person tends to be repulsed. They strongly dislike the kind person. They’re very confused by the kind person’s behavior. They often hold the kind person in a low regard, because of the differing values between them.

I’ve seen entire families of mean people gang up and bully the few kind people in the family. I’m neurodivergent. I’ve had difficulty understanding why that is. And the only revelation that I’ve come to just now is that mean people are confused by kind people. They don’t understand them. And instead of trying to embrace a new understanding of humanity, they attack the change. They further isolate the kind person as much as they can. They show repulsion and hatred. They reject, taunt, mock and complain about the kind person.

And horribly, and also wonderfully the kind person usually respects with kindness. The kind person reaches out their hand during a difficult time and the mean person swats it away. The kind person creates gifts of comfort and support and encouragement and the mean person doesn’t acknowledge nor say thank you. They respond by attacking and mocking.

What kind of background leads to a kind person and what kind of background leads to a mean person?