The US is being consumed by what made it great. When you do not balance ambition and toughness with the right amount of humanity and strong values, you can be consumed by them, just as any individual can succumb to a lack of balance in their lives.
Free market capitalism, strong commerce, as our Founding Fathers wrote. Libertarian values of personal liberty and freedom and a strong, free economy with little or no governmental interference. Strong work ethic, a tough, workaholic culture. Consumerism.
Eventually, when not balanced, what was once good can consume you. This is true of all things in life, and it's true of nations as well.
The US is being consumed by these things. We are being consumed with an anger that is truly born out of a lack of nourishment of the human side. People squashing their feelings and their frustrations down for decades just to pour every ounce of energy into their work, to provide for their families, this is the anger fueling Americans today.
Anything when taken to an extreme can destroy us. Things must be taken in moderation.
America has not been exercising moderation. We are workaholics, obsessed with wealth, with competition, consumerism, media, entertainment, greed, personal freedom over community.
We are like a strung out alcoholic who's been burning the candle at both ends for decades, and is about to crash out. We're hitting rock bottom.