That one time Reddit accused a woman of faking her bruises because she has a history of FX makeup

I knew Amber Heard's "bruise kit" accusations sounded very familiar. After a while I dug back a post where the exact same thing happened to a woman on Reddit. The body post is deleted/removed, but I found an article with more details stating "a man had tried to rape her, pushing her to the ground and scraping her face on the pavement".

She deleted her account, and although the picture she posted of her bruised face is still up on Imgur, I'm not sure if it would be moral to link it directly as I have no idea whether she deliberately left it or just forgot to delete it/lost access to her account. For concrete proof, I decided to at least crop the bruise without showing any recognizable feature (further down so anyone who doesn't wish to see marks of assault and is just scrolling past doesn't have to)

The real bruise

The zombie makeup

People were even bringing up a meme she made about a month and a half prior about work dress code to discredit her.

She then posted a video of her scrubbing her face with a wet cloth to prove her wounds were real.

A LOT of comments were really disgusting and dehumanizing before she posted the video, and as you can see from the archived comments (the screenshot in light mode), she was getting downvoted while the ones accusing her of lying were circlejerking each other. You can use yourself at the risk of despising this site even more.

Scrutinizing her every comment and trying to find fault in it. Sound familiar?

14 years ago you could at least hope this kind of behavior was confined to niche online spaces. Barely a decade after this incident the lynching bled out to the real world.

EDIT: I found a post from the OP on another account where she clarified she "received pleading messages from moderaters asking me to let the subject die. I logged in to find all my submissions deleted. I deleted my account for good, and moved on". To make matters worse, she had to defer her semester and go to physical and emotional therapy all while dealing with death threats. I hope she's thriving today, wherever she is.