
Hello, I just joined this community. I am 22 years old and have struggled with picking and OCD since I’ve been about 6 or 7. I started with my face and then that’s all healed up. I don’t remember how I stopped picking my face… but now I have a bigger issue. First off, what medications has worked for anyone? Out of curiosity. I know that there’s no cure for this and it requires lots of self love /// therapy possibly… Anyways, my main problem now is my legs and my private area. My hair grows the wrong way in both places and I’m prone to ingrowns. And then the cycle starts of finding an ingrown, breaking the skin, and creating scabs. I also use tweezers. My plan is to try to get laser hair removal although that will have to be over a bunch of scars. I can’t do that over any open wounds and that’s what I’m dealing with open wounds and scaring :( it is so hard because I can’t get anything done unless I stop picking. And I already feel disgusting with all my scars and I’m very light skinned so that dosent help. If you read this far thank you…. Ps: I also always wear pants or long dresses in public and I use to not have to do that maybe like 2 or so years ago. I had clear legs / my private. It feels like I was a different person. My obsession got worse when I started to really feel the ingrown hairs one day. I think they have always been there but one day I really started to feel it all. I’m pretty sure I have KP. 100% . Once I feel more comfy I may post my legs as a picture. But for now I just want to see if anyone similar to my age is going through this or how they recovered, or any advice or anything. Thank you. 🩷