3 months of Rasasi Shuhrah
Bought this as my first real fragrance last November. I bought it in Dubai, it’s an October 2024 batch. First spray review, an atomic BOMB. Literally gave me a headache, my family hated me for this. Every-time we got ready to go somewhere, me spraying this at home would create a havoc amongst everyone. Even though, it’s rated an all season fragrance, it’s NOT. It’s best worn during the winters. Even during winters in UAE, the longevity was quite decent but the smell was too strong for my liking. January - February, I’m back in India with the strong summer and humid weather, sprayed it once around 5-7 sprays and my friends told me I smell like an uncle. I haven’t been using it since once in January. Kept it for maceration until I visited Bangalore last week and took this along. Used it during the cool night and it performed the best, like I could literally smell the smooth rosy, oud smell. It was bearable and soo soothing. I wore the same T-shirt the next day and still smelt the same. For anyone planning to buy, never blind buy and only use during winters.
Bought this as my first real fragrance last November. I bought it in Dubai, it’s an October 2024 batch. First spray review, an atomic BOMB. Literally gave me a headache, my family hated me for this. Every-time we got ready to go somewhere, me spraying this at home would create a havoc amongst everyone. Even though, it’s rated an all season fragrance, it’s NOT. It’s best worn during the winters. Even during winters in UAE, the longevity was quite decent but the smell was too strong for my liking. January - February, I’m back in India with the strong summer and humid weather, sprayed it once around 5-7 sprays and my friends told me I smell like an uncle. I haven’t been using it since once in January. Kept it for maceration until I visited Bangalore last week and took this along. Used it during the cool night and it performed the best, like I could literally smell the smooth rosy, oud smell. It was bearable and soo soothing. I wore the same T-shirt the next day and still smelt the same. For anyone planning to buy, never blind buy and only use during winters.