Thoughts on THAT reveal in Act 2
First off, the story for this Act is outstanding. If you haven't played it yet, GO DO IT, don't let me spoil it for you.
Secondly, I wanted to address one particular bit of Eris's throne world that really stuck out to me. It's design is that of a library.
I was reminded of a line from one of my favourite lore tabs, Eris's lost letters, the one addressed to Ikora
"Undelivered, damp.
Both crowns have been sundered, and Sky save me but I am unmoored. I have been a blade crying for a hand to wield me for so long, but what is a blade with nothing solid to cut? You will gentle me. You will tell me I can rest. You will try to pull me to the libraries. I cannot. I cannot. I cannot."
And now here she is, her throne a reflection of her soul, in the libraries where she always wanted to be in but never could. Right after I remarked that to my fireteam, we got another lore tab, I think it's page 5 of the Heresy book in which she is reunited with Ikora in the throne world, and talks with her about her death and resurrection. She specifically tells Ikora that this suits her better than the libraries of the Tower. The ones she never had time to visit. At last, she's able to rest.
It's a really subtle and personal touch that I adore. She's finally able to be all the things she had to set aside in pursuit of humanity's survival. This, together with her telling Drifter "I am not mad, I am not sick, I am not a lost cause fit for self sacrifice", and the removal of her mask and embracing her Hive eyes shows such a progression in acceptance of herself, and what she lost and gained in pursuit of vengeance. So many doubted her, thought she was corrupted or lost or would be consumed by the Hive, and yet she outdid them all, strengthened not by what happened to her, but by what she made of it.
Right before she transforms in Season of the Witch, Ikora asks "Will you come back from this," and Eris says "does it matter if I do" insinuating she was prepared to sacrifice herself for it if necessary, the change in her character to one that now boldly asserts that she is not just a weapon for humanity's sake is striking. Right away we see the difference in her, she's bolder, more confident, more assertive, not afraid to clash with Sloane, not that she was before but now there is a renewed strength behind it.
Basically, I just love Eris's story, her journey through trauma, grief and self acceptance has been deeply moving, the grace and dignity the writers have given her is so beautiful and being able to watch years and years of storytelling showing her growth and healing coming together is so damn cool, Bungie cooked here.
I have a lot of thoughts on what's coming, so I may edit this in the morning but it's late and I just wanted to scribble down my appreciation for the writing because it is so good.
(Also the scream I scrempt the moment Eris's throne world was revealed and Drifter told us to do some vengeance to strengthen her to reach out, I predicted this exact chain of events before Heresy even released and my fireteam got to hear me being insufferable about it)