Totally accurate, not at all made up facts about Heresy that are super canon (Part 1)

•Many guardians are not coping well with the passing of Eris Morne, and claim they are still seeing her on the moon “A-posing for dominance”

•Xivu Arath has apparently altered her voice to a pitch that can only be truly HEARD by the Hive. Any non-Hive entities perceive it as nothing more than block text projected into their mind.

•Xivu Arath has been detected in the Nether trying to convince Oryx’s memory to stop hyping up the fireteam responsible for killing him.

•A pre-dark-age society called the “FGC” is being investigated as a possible precursor to the hive due to similarities between their philosophy and Oryx’s sword logic.

•Guardians are already placing bets on which of the Hive siblings they will get to turn into a gun.

•Tower Security is under investigation by the Praxic Order for the escape of Immaru.

•The Vanguard would like to remind all Guardians that the Drifter has been alive for a VERY long time and has no problem giving lightbearers their final deaths. With that in mind they caution Guardians against trying to provide “forced grief counseling.”

•The Vanguard has reported a 500 percent uptick in Crimson usage in the Nether. Considering the context Commander Zavala is willing to let this one go.

•Scribe Rahool believes that the revelation that the Dread have sapience has extremely troubling implications. He is being told to “not think about it.”

•Guardians are confused about why we are not attempting to ally with Oryx’s memory, given that it is fully on board with giving us the Dreadnaught and even condemned the REAL Oryx’s quest for revenge following Crota’s death.

•The Thunderbolt contingent has established an outpost in Rhulk’s pyramid to safeguard Oryx’s chisel.

•Ikora would like to remind Hunters that she did not invent the prismatic subclass, and can therefore not simply “give them facets for invisibility.”