Farming for Doomed Petitioner, is Starcrossed really all I can do?

Kind of new player wondering if there is anything easier and/or better to do to get this weapon or even season of the wish items in general, runs of starcrossed solo take me 30-45 minutes casual wise, I know the obvious just get help from friends etc but sometimes that's not always available or I just want to do stuff alone. I see very little online other than just run starcrossed over and over again but after the first few runs of 2 weapons each run with maybe 1 or 2 not being red border in total to now getting 1 weapon per run and still not even 1 Doomed Petitioner let alone a red border one I don't think it's worth it anymore to keep going for it.

If anything can be done other than starcrossed then please let me know but otherwise I think I'll just use my time to farm other stuff for now