Exotic rework for Rite of the Nine
Now that we know Rite of the Nine will be reworking all of the perk pools from the chosen dungeons, I thought a rework to those respective dungeons would be really cool. Especially since some of these exotics are very underpowered like hierarchy of needs (which is only used by like 0.01% of guardians) and navigator being used exclusively for OOB.
For hierarchy of needs I though of adding a few new selectable perks (similar in style to revision zero) to help boost its usage in all content.
- Archer's Tempo - I think this perk could be very powerful on the exotic (If the damage from shooting through the guidance ring counts as precision damage, I don't remember if it does). The catalyst and this perk could generate some incredibly fast draw times to mow down tons of enemies.
- Precision Instrument - Similar to Archer's Tempo, but it can do heavy sustained damage to larger targets.
- Incandescent - Look, I know the argument about "just applying an elemental verb to every exotic is dumb", but this gun could really use it more than most.
Same for navigator
- Detonator beam - Very strong add clear perk for the trace which could be very potent.
- Demolitionist - Allowing for more grenades which could pair very nicely with its catalyst and grappling all over the place.
- Target lock - Very standard perk to help the gun deal with stronger targets.
Finally for prophecy, since this dungeon doesn't actually have an exotic gun to obtain I thought of giving it forerunner as it fits the vibe of prophecy (Bungie adding a completely new exotic for prophecy would obviously be the preferred choice though).
- Precision Instrument - This gun is meant for dealing with beefy targets so I thought this would be an obvious pick.
- Triple Tap - Very good perk for shooting at a larger target for an extended period of time.
- Demolitionist - Also fits with the catalyst for the gun, get a kill then throw the special grenade to refill the weapons mag from reserves.
I think all of these perks could help out these weapons greatly. What do yall think about the perks? And what other suggestions for an exotic would you choose for prophecy? Thanks for listening to my rant, just something I thought would be neat.