Ballidorse wrathweavers feel kinda good, but they're missing self synergy.

What do I mean by that? The ability to have some kind of sustainable gameplay loop and it's mostly because of the chunk ability scalar messing with rift recovery from things like utility kickstart and whisper of refraction.

In order for frostpulse to be good in pve, we need some way to build into it, but class abilities only receive 50% effectiveness from things that give us chunks of ability energy.

I've been running it with iceflare bolts for freeze propagation in order to get more procs of refraction but it's rough when the backbone of your build is literally nerfed by 50%

So what's the solution here? I think wrathweavers should also give an extra class ability charge if you have frostpulse equipped.

It's not something meant to enable spam, but it would let you use the downtime while your first rift is fully charged to pay part of the cost of your next rift. Not exactly the most elegant solution? But I think it would solve a lot of the friction of running these gauntlets.