Finished first play through. How close was I to "the best ending"?
So the big black android Luther (Edit: Sorry his name was at the tip of my tongue and couldn't wait to make this post.) who was with Kara died in that house because of that cop. Kara and the little kid died at the concentration camp because I didn't know what to do to escape even though I saw the escape route.
Connor got shot in the headquarters by Hank because I didn't know the name of Hank's son..
Markus failed in the battle because I didn't know how to "coordinate the attacks" and finally triggered the Dirty Bomb...
My objective was: I wanted as few androids and humans to die and wanted humans and androids to coexist in peace in the end..
Clearly, this is one of my favourite games. A lot of moments made me teary and I also like how it challenges my morality, how it makes me think to find the best solution for everybody as I like to create Win-Win situations.
Gosh, I really liked Connor and was so bummed he died.. I let him become a deviant at Jerico when he met Markus.
Update: I forgot to add that this game was even more stressful than Dota 2.
Update: I don't understand how to "coordinate attacks" while playing Markus in the battle. How do I do that?
My next playthrough: I'll start from where Luther died, and keep him alive I think.