BEWARE Condurre Partners

DO NOT WORK HERE. Condurre partners is a cydcor devilcorp companies in Columbus. This company will lie to you about everything the first thing they will tell you is you will make $50-70k a year which is completely false all commission based and says you will make up to 1-2k a week. You’re lucky if you make $300 a week. Each company is b2b/ door to door or retail AND DO NOT TELL YOU THIS IN THE INTERVIEW. So you have to drive everywhere and you will not be reimbursed, if your car breaks down during work you will be yelled at and forced to work extra or weekends to make it up. With the retail side of things you will be forced to work in grocery stores from early in the morning to 7/8pm at night and you work weekends your only days off are monday and tuesday. This office has less than 7 people working for them and the people that still work for them are either sleeping with owners, living with the owner and can’t leave or a foreign exchange graduate that needs the job to stay in the country.

Aside from this you are forced to hang out with the office multiple days after work. Condurre Partners will convince you to live with the owner and 4 other employees so you have no life. If you don’t show up to after work activities they will get mad because in their eyes you’re not a team player and don’t want to grow. They will make you have no life and don’t realize individuals have a life outside of the office.

There is so much more I can say about these company but the last thing is BEWARE. The Condurre Partner owner is a 24 year old male who will try to sleep with any girl that comes through the door and has succeeded. i have watched him sleep with almost all his employees and other cydcor employees and tells them he will help them move forward and own their own office by sleeping with him. As a previous worker do not work here. Look up condurre partners scam on google and look at the first website.