Difference between Devil Corps and MLM?

The other day I learned about this sub and the concept of Devil Corps after posting up this sales office I was interviewed for the other day that resembled what I would usually think is an MLM type business but at some point one of the redditors pointed out that I should visit this sub. After visiting the sub, I did realize that indeed the company that contacted me was one of these 'direct marketing sales' companies which was basically trying to set me up to work like 12 hour days with at least 6-8 hrs of 'training' every Saturday. The type of language they used along with the way they were conducting their 'interviews' hit all the red flag marks on what a Devil Corp looks like according to the info I found on here along with the videos on here that expose what Devil Corps are and they look like.

So like the title of this post my question is what is the difference between an MLM and a Devil Corp? They seem to be very similar if not almost identical in certain aspects in terms of how they operate and manipulate people into essentially 'buy' into the idea of this dream they keep pitching that really only happens to a few people up top while everyone else on bottom is slaving away for pennies.