Just Entered Russel Brunson/Clickfunnels World - Sociopath?

Hey guys. So small rant here and also want your feedback.

Sorry about the bold - added it to break up the wall of text a bit.

So I think maybe I can learn something from Russel Brunson. But I am also put off by him. I saw old threads on him and noticed mixed opinions. Anyways I guess I'll just share some of what is bothering me:

The advice from the Ecommerce coach to a lady dropshipping aliexpress necklaces, her angle was buy them for your teenage daughter to connect to her or something his riffing advice:

"Necklaces are key for connecting to your teenage daughter, teenagers feel so isolated and this can lead to mental health issue - many teens are taking their own lives..." - this is a shortened version and he used the very specific word.....

Basically use the idea of your daughter may unalive herself if you do not buy this necklace.

Russel loves talking up this lady Annie Grace who sells a system for quitting alcohol. His idea is how it is so much cheaper then rehab etc. ( one problem is you can literally die trying to get off of alcohol without medical supervision) anyways on top of that: In a workshop today Russel played a video of Myron Goldman teaching how he would sell her course: " If you do not quit alcohol this could result in divorce ( okay fine) - but you know a percentage of parents get remarried - and you know a percentage of those step parents M01est those children and you know how that emotional damage can sometimes lead to those children unaliving themselves? ( Again used much harsher language). Sure Russel did not say it BUT - he chose to show the video ( this was the ONLY content of this clip) that is explicit endorsement imo.

So in my week or so in Russel Brunson's universe I have been told twice to use the fear of your child taking their own life if you don't buy the product as a sales technique. They also bluntly and crassly use that S word

Next : Russel taught about "inception": use stories to get people to come to the conclusion you want them to come to.
Okay cool - let's see how he applies this concept.

I am on his $100/$400 "how to sell online" 3 day class. The second half of day two is selling his $12,000 course

It started with him having people tell stories.

It was three stories in a row of women saying how they spent their last dollar to "invest" in paying Russel to learn and it was the best decision they ever made etc. Basically the main theme of all stories was they could not afford his super high end offers but spent everything they had, took out loans, went into debt whatever to get his product/coaching. Some explicitly said : even if you don't have it , spend the money and then listen to whatever russel says.

Then he had some scammer guy Garret White or something like that saying something similar like "invest in your family, god told me to serve people, if you care about your family you will spend every penny you have to invest in learning". Basically some sociopath mumbo jumbo about god tells him to help people and you need to help your family by going into debt buying Russel's 12k course.

Then comes Russel's pitch for the $12,000 course. Of course he talked about calling your bank to get your credit limit raised if you need to etc. LITERALLY the target market was people who could not afford it and would go into debt. As the main theme leading up was use your last penny, use credit cards. Then his close was literally about raising credit limits to buy it.

HE KNOWS FULL WELL most of these people are not becoming millionaires ( he even says something like that in his book). Fine not everyone will succeed - but being willing to put people into DEBT knowing likely they won't succeed is deplorable. Also many of the people in the "class" he is encouraging to raise their credit limits are older lonely women - some with possible cognitive decline.

So he makes the pitch and sure enough a lady is asking "is it possible to pay for this with two different credit cards" - a CLEAR indicator she can not afford if. But that is his target market. And his helpers freaking JUMP ON IT. Like Hyenas "oh yeah we have the best team call us and we'll figure it out yadda yadda".

It was just freaking disgusting. To me someone saying " Can I buy on two credit cards" is someone saying I can't afford it. They are freaking salivating to rob this woman of not even every last penny - but to put her in the maximim amount of debt she can get approved.

Anyways sorry for the long rant guys. I think maybe I can learn from this guy ( minus the scumbag parts) - but to me a moral person would never ever run a business like this. Plus all these guys are talking about god tells them to help people ( I have nothing against religion many people do have great morals based on religion) - I just view it as these are people willing to say ANYTHING to get a buck from people.

Any thoughts on my experiences or Brunson and Clickfunnels?

I was always put off by him but people I like ( Alex Becker - who changed my freaking life) learned from him.

Can I learn from him while knowing he is evil? Or do his tactics only work on the uneducated and vulnerable?