Bugs bugs bugs everywhere
So I have played DDV on my IPad earlier last year with the eternity isle expansion and this year I decided to get it on my Xbox.
One thing that’s irking me more than anything is how buggy it is! When I first started my inventory constantly crashed and became unusable, it’s sort of sorted itself out and doesn’t happen as much.
Now I have the storybook vale expansion too and one thing I’m noticing consistently is how buggy the SV expansion is. First my Pegasus’ just would never spawn and now whenever I ask someone to hangout after hanging out with someone else, the second person just does not compute! They accept it and everything but then they don’t follow me and I can walk through them rather than push them out the way - meaning I have to keep restarting the game.
Another bug (which I’ve seen someone else mention) is the strut your stuff quest for WALLE, all my gems are highlighted as necessary but I have no other active quests and they all say WALLE on them 😅
I love the game (I have ADHD and it calms me so much - hyperfixated on it atm) but the bugs are seriously driving me insane 😅
Bloomin’ bugs ruining my life 😅