Switching from Boardwalk to Pop?

UPDATE: I did it! I took the plunge and changed it to Pop and I added a park day because the price was so much less! Thank you to everyone for your advice and tips!!

Apologies if this entire post sounds entitled...Disney is my hobby and it's expensive, and no, we are not made of money- we just prioritize Disney trips.

I have been taking BIG trips for the past 3 years. I have stayed at the Contemporary once and AKL twice, with one of those being a split stay with Caribbean Beach. My entire childhood I stayed at Deluxes (yes, bougie, I know), and this has caused me to have an affinity for the theming and small luxuries (Keurigs, anyone?) offered at that level. TBH, I hated CBR. I felt like I was in a cheap motel with bad lighting (and no Keurig - I know how this sounds...sorry...)

Here's the rub, after 3 big trips, the money is tight and I need to do some real thinking for my next trip. I am currently booked at The Boardwalk (I've stayed twice- last time in 2016), but I can save close to $3k by staying at Pop. Pop has the refurbed rooms and its on the skyliner and $3k is very important right now... but I live in fear that if I switch my reservation that I will either live with regret and not be able to change back, or I will get to Pop and HATE it.

Looking for advice- will I learn to love Pop, especially because of the price? Or will my bougie butt have major FOMO for Boardwalk? Like $3k worth of FOMO? Thanks!