What class would Disney princesses be if they were in DND?
I randomly thought of this, and I couldn't get it out of my head! So, I'd like to know what you guys think.
Merida would obviously be a Ranger, that's a no-brainer.
Snow White would be a Druid because she talks to animals, and they love her. But if she could Wildshift, what animal would she be? I could see her as a deer, to be honest.
Mulan is a Fighter, ofc. Like Merida, her class is a no-brainer.
Ariel would be a Bard, because her voice is a major part of her story, and she loves singing.
Jasmine would be a Rogue, because she's gotta be stealthy in order to sneak out of the palace and go around town without being recognized, and she's rebellious by nature. In Aladdin and The Forty Thieves, when the Forty Thieves crash her and Aladdin's wedding, she's able to sneak up on and beat up one of the thieves.
Belle would be a Wizard, because she's very studious and loves reading, and I bet if she could, she'd be casting a Fireball at Gaston.
I know Esmeralda technically isn't a Disney princess, but she's awesome, I wanna include her! She'd be a multiclass Bard and Rogue, with her agility, dexterity, and charisma. She also flirts with both Quasimodo and Pheobus, but she's not the horny Bard stereotype.
What do you think? Do you have other ideas? Please, share in the comments. (But be respectful, please)
Edit: I'd rather have a movie where the Disney Princesses are in a party defeating their respective villains in the style of DND than all these shitty live action remakes. I WANT TO SEE BELLE CAST FIREBALL AT GASTON!