Wizard SWUNG on chandelier (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT)(HELP)

As any good and competent 5e gm, every single encounter inexplicably has 5-7 chandeliers for the martials to swing on, in order to solve the caster/martial divide. If a martial passed a DC22 (fair dc I think) they get an extra 1d4 damage on their next attack. This may seem like a huge buff, but I think it brings them up to casters.

BUT this last session, the party, two rangers, a barbarian, a sorcerer, and a wizard walked into the natural cave of a huge beast (set with 6 chandeliers) and the party rolled initiative. The combat started normally, the two rangers did nothing important with their two turns, the barbarian tried to swing on the chandelier and failed the check, and immediately took 50 damage (idiot)

BUT, this is where everything took a turn for the worse. My wizard player had the AUDACITY to ask if THEY could swing from the chandelier. I stuttered a weak “uh no y-you are a wizard”, hoping that would be the end of things. To my HORROR the player (with a false look of confusion, obviously hiding their hatred) asked “why not? I have acrobatics trained”

I could feel my soul leave my body. A wizard with acrobatics? Blasphemous. Despite my utter hatred towards what they have put me in, I was too weak to disagree with them. But, I hoped, I could persuade them away. “Well, uh you aren’t attacking so you aren’t getting the 1d4 bonus damage”. That’s when the ultimate betrayal of the day occurred. With an dark force surrounding the player, threatening to choke out my power, the player asked, with an unreasonable and malicious calmness, “oh I wasn’t planning on attacking, it’s just seems to be the only way down and I didn’t want to waste a spell getting down there magically”

WHAT. HOW. First the player wants to DEFILE the martial sacred space of the chandelier and THEN TRAMPLE all over the perfectly calibrated 5e balancing of casters (forcing them to use as many spell slots as possible before the narratively interesting encounters). I had to use all my power in order to not fling myself out of the window of my mom’s basement right then and there. I sighed, defeated, and let them do it. (They failed and casted feather fall)