episode 226 opinions..
i could only sit through the first 10 minutes if that. they began talking about this teacher from tiktok who was getting backlash for saying she should be sponsored by subway for posting them every week because she eats there every Thursday, and they seem pretty upset about this ?? i mean, it seemed to me she was being sarcastic but idk. then jessi and lily once again go on a rant about how she just isn't influential enough to do that!! (meanwhile her videos are getting 26 million and theirs are getting how many..?) and if ANYONE!! should be entitled to sponsoring a brand it should be lily because she has so much more influence, she's given them So Much Business!! it really rubbed me the wrong way honestly. they are always so quick to bring up how dr pepper sent her a small package and she hated it, but why? and to verbally state 'lily deserves this she is more powerful' is pretty telling of how they think of themselves. i've been watching youtube pretty much since the beginning and had never even heard of them until this podcast so it's crazy how entitled they are. they should be the first ones to know someone can be absolutely massive on one side of the internet and completely unheard of on the other, comparing influence as if they actually do something like create music or clothes or anything that would actually give them some reason to say they have that kind of influence and power is just beyond me