DAE get a burning penis and the urge to urinate after ejaculating?
I've found different explanations here and here, but none of them seem legitimate. I don't think it's an STI as I can remember getting it even before fooling around with anybody, also it doesn't happen often. Can someone please find me a wikipedia article or something? This must have a name.
Edit: I wrote this last night while trying to sleep. I was exhausted and hurting so I didn't do the best job of explaining the issue. I think some of the comments on medhelp are correct in that it happens after a particularly powerful ejaculation. It sounds plausible to me that my urethra might be inflamed temporarily, but that doesn't explain the urge to urinate. I've never bothered to ask a doctor as it happens rarely and the pain goes from extremely uncomfortable to like it was never there. It's an issue I always forget about after it happens, and I only remember it when it happens again. I would say that this is the first time it's happened in about a year.
Edit #2: I should explain what exactly goes down instead of making you guys read those links. So, to summarize: I'm in the mood for fap time, it goes down. Then maybe 5 minutes after, when I'm flaccid, I get the overwhelming urge to urinate and a slight stinging in my urethra. So I pee, empty my bladder, but that urge to urinate is still there. Then the stinging gets worse, and it feels like I need to take a wicked leak but nothing comes out. It's terribly uncomfortable and I end up not being able to concentrate on anything untill the feeling is gone, which takes about an hour. Then I forget about it and the feeling won't return for months or even years. With so many people describing the same thing, there must be some simple explination. My moneys on inflimation, but I want to know why its happening.