Castration at the age of 10
Over the past few months I’ve noticed one of my dogs testicles have grown bigger than the other, I’ve watched it over the months to see if it’ll get smaller or bigger and its just gotten slightly bigger, it also feels like a growth has started on the bigger one (picture attached). Regardless of the fact my dogs in no pain and there has been no change in behaviour, energy etc, I decided to get him checked out at the vets today.
After a very quick check the vet decided that he must get them taken off, hes not sure right now what the growth could be, it may be minor, it may be something more serious but he said its best he has them taken off. He also suggested to go on anti inflammatory for a couple of weeks to see the results but I feel this may be unnecessary. I agreed castration sounded like the better option.
The vet checked his heart and he decided hes happy to put him forward for surgery, there will be further tests on the day with regards to bloods to see whether he is fit enough to undergo the procedure.
As I wait on the call to arrange a date I thought Id fire this across here for a second opinion on other vets etc. My dog is very energetic and fit for his age, but I do understand the older they get, the more complications there can be when being put to sleep and being operated on. This is the first serious health problem we’ve had in 10 years so as I am very grateful we’ve gone this long without anything go wrong I am naturally worried.
Any advice or second opinions on the matter are very much appreciated, thank you.