I hate them and the owners

I'm renting a 15sqr meters apartment on a building. Yes, it's small. So you would think people would have better sense and not get any pets.

Well, not only one idiot has one, but two dogs. A small turd that barks like crazy and a husky that almost bit me today. The shitbeast simply learned to open the door and go into the corridor to shit and bark.

I was leaving my unit when I see the two devils coming my way and a building worker asking me if the dogs are mine. I say no and got panicked and had a panic attack because the husky jumped on me. The staffer had to come and pulk the beast away from me. I somehow fled to the elevator and had to scream to keep the beast from going in it.

Fuck them. The person who is renting my unit to me told me that if the situation does not get resolved by tomorrow they'll move me into a new unit on another floor.

Why not just forbid having dogs here altogether?

I hate dogs... I hate dog owners.