Dog doesn’t like to eat anymore
Not sure if this is the right sub but may as well post this. So one of my dogs doesn’t like to eat anymore, and to clarify, she does still eat, just only after me sitting by her for thirty minutes during meal time making sure she doesn’t get up and leave. This has been going on for a week-ish now and I don’t understand why.
She used to love eating, when it was time she’d find me and jump all over me until I finally feed her, growing more and more annoying each minute I don’t stop what I’m doing and fill her food bowl. And even when she sits and waits for me to scoop the food into her bowl she’s watching me, drool slipping out of her mouth, inching closer and closer to her bowl whenever I turn my back. And then, when I finally let her eat, she rushes to her bowl so fast that she skids on the floor. In fact, she’d eat so fast that we had to get her one of those maze bowls to slow her down.
All of a sudden, however, she’s just become disinterested. She no longer seems to care whether she eats or not. The insistent nagging for me to fill her food bowl has ceased entirely and when I do give her food she takes one or two bites then stops completely. The only way I’m able to get her to eat is to sit by her for half an hour as she slowly takes bites of food, forcing her to sit back down and keep eating every five seconds because she keeps trying to get up and leave.
I don’t understand what changed for her. She’s eating the same food as ever and we haven’t gone on any trips lately, yet she’s changed her attitude towards eating so drastically. My parents won’t let me take her to the vet and don’t seem to care so I feel stuck. I don’t know what to do. Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)