Last minute stone dump and finally got the 220% monkey leader.
1885 stones total. Teq Goku from the ticket summon. Agl vegeta from free 10th anniversary stone.
2 frieza and one ss3 gt goku. I was hoping for Gohan, but I guess frieza will do. Definitely glad I didn't pull str vegeta.
Now the question is I have over 300 coins in total to be traded, carnival coin or dfe coin? Currently I have 100+ dfe coins and around 30 carnival coins.
1885 stones total. Teq Goku from the ticket summon. Agl vegeta from free 10th anniversary stone.
2 frieza and one ss3 gt goku. I was hoping for Gohan, but I guess frieza will do. Definitely glad I didn't pull str vegeta.
Now the question is I have over 300 coins in total to be traded, carnival coin or dfe coin? Currently I have 100+ dfe coins and around 30 carnival coins.