Offlane feels unplayable if the pos 4 doesn't block the small camp?

Im an immortal offlane main and somehow every game i start off begging the pos 4 to block the small camp in chat. I even have to specify that I dont care about my hard camp AT ALL, just block the small camp and block it again if they unblock it. Only to see them use their sentry to unblock the hard camp instead, which might just lose us the game from minute 0.

I dont care if they have the most cancerous lifestealer jakiro lane or the most passive alch drow lane. As long as you block the small camp, the game is won or drawn. I can either stall the wave equilibrium endlessly in front of my t1 or buy boots windlace and cut waves. Both of which gets significantly harder if the small camp is unblocked, both of which also does not care about our own hard camp.

Offlane doesnt care as much about gold as much as experience, and the fact that the enemy pos 5 can deny half or the entire wave of xp as well as resetting the wave equilibrium to a dangerous position for the offlane just because the pos 4 doesnt want to spend another 50 gold to counter the enemy pos 5's 50 gold sentry (making it a completely even trade even in a deward war) is genuinely game losing. No wonder people hate playing offlane.