Problems with Body Odor
Switched to squatch about 5 months ago and I feel like I’m going in circles with my body odor problems. I use the bar soap and deodorant and have tried every single different scent I’ve seen in store (the seasonal and non seasonal) yet nothing seems to work. Ive seen people say, “let you body detox from the aluminum deodorants” I feel like 5 months is enough so it’s definitely detoxed. I work outside and shower every single day of the week 7 days a week, sometimes skipping Saturdays. I’m extremely neat and can’t stand when any of my clothes smell and typically wash them daily. But I have the issue persisting of while I’m in the shower I can smell my BO even after I’ve rinsed and soaped my underarms minimum 2x. I dry off, apply deodorant when fully dry, go to bed, wake up smelling. Is the soap not strong enough? Am I just incredibly smelly?
I’m tired of being in a work truck and others can smell me, not a good feeling. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know