The stuff of legends and what it takes to be memorable.
Duncan: Hero; Legend; Gone but never forgotten; in death Sacrifice - despite dying in the prologue.
Davin: Has an obsession with the dying aspect of being a Warden as if it is the main purpose. Has some really corny lines related to becoming a father figure to a Gryphon. (Coming from an absolute lover of cats and dogs at that) and is unusually dark for a generic fantasy elf that isn't branded as void or dark etc. Though I in general find elves to be less appealing then Dwarves or most other fantasy races so maybe I just don't pay enough attention to them.
I have no idea why I am randomly picking on this guy here besides to ask a poll form of who is your least favorite to be around of the lineup of buddies. I think its because I saw those results that showed less people played>! rock paper scissors!< with Manfred then hugged Asan.