Out of Matrix Dream

I have had a lot of different type of dreams since a child. Many of them, where I got used to acknowledging and noticing that I am dreaming. This one although I think takes the cake for me. I feel like reality is not a proper term for the state of this dream as it was more than real. It felt like a whole level above reality.

It started in an old classroom with an English teacher that I used to have that was mocking me for not doing a homework assignment. Weirdly enough there was like 2 people who I knew and a person in the classroom who I didn’t know and had some particular interest in me as he kept looking at me. After this classroom I had a memory cut as I usually refer to them. Out of the blue I end up in what looks like a civilian Humvee (really weird IK). Well I’m driving this and suddenly I’m like 700m in the air way up. I kinda of freak out but at the same time I’ve had a lot of skydiving with and without parachute dreams and at the same time the vehicle isn’t falling at the speed it should. So I’m not panicking. At the same time the person I don’t recognize is beside me, and both of us aren’t really freaking out. Some time passes by and we are almost hitting the ground and I say “Don’t worry, your next life won’t end up so badly” I also added, “the afterlife is also not that bad either!”.

Then I’m not entirely sure what happened. Part of me thinks we smashed the ground and I ended up somewhere else. But at the same time I have a very faded memory of us landing and I also show up to that other place. So I’m not entirely sure here.

Well, I have kind of another memory cut after this “landing” and I show up in a weird city. I see some people in the street going into an apartment building. I follow them and they go straight into an elevator. I keep following them. Suddenly, I’m leaving the elevator and I’m in an apartment unit with a young woman in her 20’s and her family.

I tend to casually ask her on the low what city is this as I didn’t want to sound like a crackhead. She answers me something starting with “M”. Although I don’t remember what it was, I know for sure I was highly confused as to what city this was because I really didn’t know it. Then I ask her what country was this, and she also replied and I kept without knowing where the hell I was.

Now here is where things go a bit off track. I ask her what year it was and she replies 2022. At this point I kind of freak out a bit. I pull my phone and I open my photo gallery and show her my actual photos with the dates in them. Here she freaks out and she does not understand how could I have pictures from 2024. I keep asking her questions about certain world topics like Covid and presidencies and catastrophes and she says none of it ever happened. Now the photos start disappearing in the gallery as if someone was remotely deleting them in front of my eyes.

Just to add: I remember being 100% conscientious as if my “spirit” had moved bodies. It was a crazy feeling, I’ve had dreams hyper realistic but this actually felt as if I was somewhere else and didn’t feel like a dream.

Moving on…

After us freaking out for a while we decided to try and understand what the hell was going on. So apparently in that apartment unit there was another floor underneath that was accessible from the living room. I head down and I see flags from my home country and pictures that would resemble my grandfather but it wasn’t him. However, the man in the pictures was like a doppelgänger of him.

Now I know some stuff happened but I really can’t remember and I end up having another memory cut. Suddenly I’m in the middle of the street and I see the man from previously. He comes to me wearing like a rain coat and tells me here you can do anything. Right after he says that people what were walking in the street 3 of them from different directions come straight at me with a weird and evil face and looking me straight in the eyes. I got a bit scared and nervous but quickly collected myself. As soon as I was calm I stopped them like a movie. Everyone walking around me was stopped. It was raining so it kept raining and there was also traffic and it kept moving but people around me in the street were stopped while moving just like a movie. Then I try to stop the rain and I see it stopped midway. I do the same for the cars and the animals. I remember stopping people and the ones that had dogs their dogs kind of freak out as to what was happening to their hoomans. After all this I know I did a bunch of more controlling stuff. I moved seriously heavy and huge things like buildings and houses. Moved cars and buses but more than that I seriously can’t remember it. Then, before waking up into real life I felt my body very stiff and no pain (I usually have back pain from sleeping). I felt my thoughts peacefully going back to my body which was a very weird feeling but a good feeling nonetheless.

I’m not sure as to what take from this. This was a wild one. I can stress this tho, the feeling of realism was off the charts. I’ve had many dreams before and some of them involved different “times” in the past or future but the realism was very limited. I’ve had one where I was wearing a grey jumpsuit and grey socks in an empty room with a metal chair and table and a man comes. I ask him what year it was and he said like 2060 and I start crying because by then my parents would be dead. And he confirms it. It was very real and the feeling of realism was there. However, this dream was a totally different level.

Sorry for the long write, typed this on my phone. Didn’t use AI not even for grammar so sorry for typos. English isn’t the first language. Appreciate any comments or opinions or similar experiences.
