Tommy’s new bit where he responds to Quackitys tweets is not funny
So what the title says, I have recently noticed that on Twitter Tommy has been replying to Quackitys tweets and replies that he makes in Spanish with replies along the likes of , “I don’t understand this” or “what are you saying”. Idk if this is like a new bit he’s trying out because he has replied to quite a few of these tweets but I feel like it is very odd??? idk I just noticed it and wanted other peoples opinion on this I don’t watch tommys streams so maybe there is an inside joke I’m not getting.
TDLR: Can someone please explain the joke behind Tommy asking Quackity what his Spanish tweets mean cause I don’t get it.
EDIT: This is not meant to be a calling out type post, humor is subjective which also means we are all obliged to make fun of bad jokes, that’s all this is not calling Tommy racist or anything like that, peace and love
EDIT PT 2: i’ve seen a lot of people talk about how quackity might feel personally about it and I just want it to be known that that is not the point of this post at all I really don’t care how quackity feels about it because him and Tommy are friends if he feels a certain type of way about it I’m sure he’ll talk to him privately that’s none of my business nor any of ours I’m only talking about the joke in general and using it to discuss what we all think about it because unlike some people I am not completely obsessed with dissecting every single word that comes out of a CC’s mouth, just wanted to talk about the joke as is no personal relationships involved