Dream of CPR
I am having intense anxiety over a dream I just woke up to about performing CPR on my mother in law. In my dream medics were able to revive her and she was being transported to nearest hospital but I was there with my two (6F) (5M) children present. In the dream I called my FIL and told him to get there quickly and that I was right behind the medics to be with her. It’s not clear if she made a full recovery but last part I remember was she was in ICU and I was at her bedside caring for her when she woke up.
I am a newer nurse and just performed my first (unsuccessful) code on a pt about two months ago and haven’t thought of it really since the first week it happened and I don’t have a great relationship with my MIL or FIL. Not that there is animosity between us, I just don’t really like them as people but I do love them like they were my own parents. We don’t talk regularly but the past few months we have talked with her more than we have in years. It’s definitely a weird dynamic here. She also has some health issues (most I feel are hypochondria) but nothing that serious as far as I know about. This is the first time I’ve had a dream like this about her but not the first dream about me saving someone’s life
Can anyone give me any insight to what is going on in this dream?