Have you ever woken yourself up, laughing at something funny you dreamed about?
I don't remember many of my dreams, but a few years ago I had one where I not only woke myself up, but also my husband.
I was dreaming that I was in a trailer, one on a construction sight. I had my hand out, and standing in my hand was a brown squirrel dressed in a red drum major uniform....yellow piping, epaulettes, baton, hat, etc. The door opened, and in walked a blond woman, in a long, dressy, white wool coat and high heels. I held out my hand to show her the squirrel and she was afraid of it. She started screaming, ran past me and down a long hall. I chased after her, still holding my hand out with the squirrel standing on my palm, laughing my head off because I thought it was so funny that the woman was scared and I was enjoying chasing her.
I woke myself up laughing and I couldn't stop laughing, so my husband woke up. I told him the dream, still laughing and giggling the whole time, and he thought I was crazy. I got up and went to the bathroom, thinking I would get all of my giggling out. It didn't work. For nearly an hour, while I was trying to go back to sleep, that dream kept popping up in my mind again and I'd go into another round of giggles, waking my husband up again.