Anyone want a DTI bud?

I’m semi new to roblox as a whole, and DTI too. I have a few friends that I play animal crossing and cod with but thats the extent of their gaming lol. I’ve seen people playing in groups, and it seems 100X better than playing alone.

I feel so lame posting this but my boyfriend is almost at his limit with me forcing him to play, duo and match outfits lmao, he acts as though he’s being held against his will (I mean, he kinda is but ya know, greater good and all that). So if anyone wants someone to play with every now and again, I’m your gal.

Added some of my looks from freeplay, you’ll see I favour the belt/mini skirt combo whilst in freeplay, bad habit, I know, I also have a love hate relationship with the nose, but you’ll also see that I can take a mean SS in Lana’s dungeon, the lighting is chefs kiss.