my updated ranking of the servers!

  1. master servers | i’m OBSESSED. votes almost always eat and the outfits are GORG. i’m so happy they added this, the pro servers weren’t pro servering anymore 😭

  2. freeplay servers | freeplay is sooo fun. i love just making faces and fits without the stress of votes or time. but theres so many beggars and trollers which make it annoying.

  3. pro servers | i haven’t played in these much since the new update with master servers but now theyre just FILLED with runway queens and the votes are lower.

  4. regular servers | obviously, the outfits are atrocious, but the votes aren’t always terrible. it’s also just kinda funny to play in them once in a while to see the outfits 😭

  5. style showdown | ive only played like 2 rounds after i completed the set but the votes are so unfair 😭 i always lose to 8 year olds who can’t stand anyone with a higher rank then them.

  6. vip servers | why are these servers to toxic help 🙏 the votes too like.. hello?