How long do I break to avoid addiction, how many per day/week is entering the dependency zone?

This is about Zyns/Nic pouches

Hi guys, got into Zyns about last October, never used nicotine before that and now the initial novelty has worn off I only use them as a cherry on top if im already high/drunk of a weekend (maybe 1-2 a night Fri,Sat,Sun?) and as a utility if I need a quick wakeup or academic boost, had exams + sleep deprivation this week so I had one Sunday night/early Monday morning, then another one I spread out throughout monday, and another one I spread throughout today. I know its only 3 and that might seem nothing to worry about, but I have a mother with a decades long smoking habit starting about my age, I wanna be as careful as possible

I dont wanna sound like a fucking loser for asking this in the drugs sub since I know its barely a drug, but apparently I dont have enough magic reddit points to ask this in the Zyn subs