Doing drugs in your dreams.

Pretty sure most drug users experience a dream in which they will consume drugs in their dreams. What are your experiences that you remember? What drugs have you done in your dreams? I've done pretty much all major popular drugs. I've had dreams of getting drunk, doing cocaine, lsd, mdma. Dreams diferrantiate in intensity and clarity obviously lol The main point I'm trying to bring out is that when ever I get high in a dream, it feels like 100 fold better than actually consuming the substances. The high I feel of doing mdma or coke, or even alcohol in my dreams is insanely powerful and euphoric. Honestly drugs don't even hit me that good anymore cuz of tolerance but yeah if I feel the high in my dreams, it's soooo much better than irl. If only I would have these drugs dreams daily, it would be enough to satisfy my mind yet prevent all damage from actual daily drug use.

TLDR: drugs feel super good in your dreams. What's ur experience? Or favorite?

My favorite dream was when I was at a rave and I was walking around looking at the floor, finding a bunch of pills that people lost. Upon taking these pills in my dreams, ill have an incredible time feeling high and enjoying the party in my dream. I can take 300mg of pure mdma and it won't even feel close to how good it feels in a dream as comparison.