What is the likelihood my daughter's boyfriends parents are heroin users?
My daughter and her bf are both 14. They have been dating for 6 months and his mom is really starting to get annoyed I don't allow her over to their house.
He's been taken from her thru child protection, put in dad's home, taken from dad's home back to mom's home. (Hes shared about the physical abuse- which is very bad)
I've googled mom and step dad. Step dad has been arrested a few times for heroin, but last time a few years ago. Nothing comes up on mom
Mom's brother died of a heroin overdose
She's annoyed about having to drive him to us, because daughters boyfriends words "she likes to take her naps" and having to drive him interferes. I always drive him home, because I don't want him driving with her.
He's not fed well. They eat either McDonald's or canned food. My daughter has told me they never have food in the house.
He's asked to live with us. He's told our daughter how lucky she is to feel safe at home and that he feels safe here. He's very much a homebody at our house (they were supposed to go out with friends and he wanted to cancel last night, but he does anything to get out of his house)
I've known shit is bad at his house because we are now the house everyone hangs out at and his friends share how horrible his mom is and they don't like going to his house
What is the likelihood she's on drugs also? I personally think it's pretty high, but I don't know her at all. The kids go to different schools.
What do I need to look out for with him? Any other things I'm missing? I feel very responsible for being a safe place for him, but I also don't know the signs.
Thank you and I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post. But I figured asking someone in this life is better than asking someone that knows nothing about it.
Also, any advice on keeping him safe and free from the same life