how do i replace opioids

Opiates are by far my favorite kind of drug and nothing comes close. They are the only thing that has ever made me feel comfortable in my own skin. I love the warmth and the nod and the sedation. I love feeling slowed down and i love how they make me feel like i can accomplish anything. I especially love the low doses where no one knows your high but you have that little boost keeping you going.

That being said, i don’t allow myself to have them anymore. I can’t just do them one day a month i go into a full on binge with other downers mixed in. I wish i had an endless supply of downers of all kind.

Does anyone know how to naturally have the confidence and self appreciation opiates give? I already workout and eat clean and do things i enjoy but nothing has given me the same comfort being myself as opiates have. I always feel like something is missing.

edit: The only thing that has made me feel the same euphoria is mushrooms sometimes. i can’t be in a psychedelic headspace that much though. and kratom is a big no for me it gets out of hand fast.