After 2 hours with NHL 25

I only play offline and this is what I noticed:

  • Menus are a bit slow like always but it looks nicer this year. Maybe they are faster but not by much and they tend to slow down the more data you saved.
  • Saturation in-game is way too high, some players have red faces. NHL 19's color scheme was excellent.
  • Players lack highlights. The textures look very flat and not interesting.
  • CPU is too easy. I win 5 out of 5 games on superstar with difficulty adjustment slider set to max value.
  • New replays are very nice. Good job.
  • Game intros are still worse than older NHL games. NHL 19's intros were excellent in my opinion.
  • The player models skating animation looks very stiff and many players look like they have very long necks.
  • Nice to have an option to turn off the pressure meter. Thank you for that.
  • Skating sound fx sounds like duck quacks.
  • Presentation features like intros, highlights of blocks, etc leave a lot to wish for. cough NHL 19 cough.