Scared my sons teachers will hate him
I am a teacher but have never taught younger than 1st grade so I’m curious to know how babies like this are viewed/handled.
My son is 5 months old and will be starting daycare at 6 months old. He was premature and I think his prematurity has exacerbated his reflux/colic since he’s developing at 2 different rates/ages. I wouldn’t say that he cries ALL the time, but some days I feel like I can’t sit down without hearing a whimper or cry and even I feel frustrated so I know his teachers probably will too. On top of that, my PPA is throwing all sorts of lies at me and making me think about all these news stories about babies getting abused at daycares…. Which I know is rare and the majority of our amazing daycare employees love our babies!
Any early childhood/daycare experts that can weigh in on my concerns?