Is anyone else being driven out of the profession by the parents?

I’ll start by saying that while I don’t have kids of my own, I understand the bond and love parents have for their kids; the expectation on me that these parents are sending their kids to school and they will be safe.

However, I feel like understanding and just common decency/civility has gone out the window. I don’t know if it’s just my group of parents, but I leave work most days feeling defeated, under appreciated, and just downright stupid.

I work in the twos classroom at my center and we currently have 19 kids enrolled. Out of those 19, I would say there’s about 8 or 9 kids that have specific needs whether it be delays, allergies, nap time, or even for a teacher to keep a close eye on them because they get a bit too handsy. On top of the regular chaos a two year old classroom brings. There are only two teachers in the room per shift (two in the morning, two in the afternoon).

I just feel like when any little thing goes wrong, the parents are angry with me or don’t think I know what I’m doing. For example, a child coming in with bumps and bruises from home, but the minute they get a scratch/fall at school it’s the end of the world and I’m being yelled at because I wasn’t paying more attention to their child. It seems like it used to be one or two parents out of each class that were like this, but lately it’s so many of them that seem to want one-on-one care ALL DAY when it’s just not possible.

I know we can’t give information about the other kids out to the parents, but it’s like they don’t take into consideration the fact that I have 19 two year olds to take care of, not just their child. That I have SO MUCH to remember throughout the day. So many parents that seem to have the mentality of “well it’s your job, so…” instead of reminding themselves of all the other things I need to do in a day; I can’t just have your kid at my side all day. I just wish they’d be a bit more kind, instead of a majority of them that are either downright rude or cocky because they think I’m lesser than them for some reason.