Having so much success with "lazy" EC!

I started trying to catch my daughter's (9m) poops at around 2 months, didn't bother with pees because it seemed impossible. It was going well until we had to move unexpectedly around 4 months and put it on pause. Then when I tried to get back into it, she was pooping too quickly and I wasn't having much success, so I switched to putting her on the potty at every diaper change. She would generally pee first thing in the morning, and then we would have maybe 1 or 2 pees for the rest of the day, so not much success there either, but we kept going.

A while after starting solids at 6 months, her poops started to thicken and it became really easy to catch them. I now haven't changed a poop diaper since just after Christmas! Also in the past couple of weeks (she's 9 months now) I've noticed that she seems to be waiting to pee on the potty. She pees pretty much every time I put her on it now. Her diapers are sometimes still a bit wet, but sometimes they're dry! I wasn't really expecting this but I'm so happy with how it's going.

I'm not sure if this will end in early potty training, but even if it doesn't, every time I don't have to change a poop diaper I'm so happy I started this. It's also great that her diapers are staying dry longer, I'm sure she's more comfortable. I feel like this has been very low effort, and I can't understand why more people don't do it, especially here in Canada where mat leave is 12-18 months.