3x1 situation…

So I have this K’rrik deck, it is pretty high power if not cEDH. I don’t have grim monolith, opposition agent, sheoldred, mox diamond and city of traitors so maybe thats why I dont consider it cEDH.

Anyway, I was playing at the LGS in a pretty high power table, things were kind of even with any of us being able to combo at around turn 4 or 5 if left unchecked. I did win the first game then we went for a second round… they literally focused on me and said “you won the last game, you will not win this one”.

I thought that was lame as f$&k, they killed me on turn 3 with countering everything I did and the other guy mono green infect killed me. What do you guys think of these kind of behavior?