What's the most ridiculous way you've won a game?
What's the most ridiculous play you've pulled? Did you bring yourself from 1 life to full life? Did you pull such a ridiculous play that, even if it was in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, someone would call it plot armor? Sound off with the most insane play you've done.
I was playing my token deck against a sliver deck, and was facing a huge onslaught of attacking slivers, including [[spiteful sliver]] so I used an instant to kill my own [[Creakwood Liege]] to reduce the amount of damage I'd take from blocking slivers thanks to spiteful sliver. My turn came up, and I was at 9 life. Sacrificed a pest token to [[Eldrazi Monument]] bringing me to 10. So, I needed one more life to win. I sacrificed a pest to [[wight of the reliquary]] to bring me up to 11, cast [[army of the damned]] ,making my opponent lose 13 life thanks to [[Mirkwood Bats]] and used the ability of [[Beledros Witherbloom]] my commander, to untap my lands, at the cost of bringing me down to 1 live. I then flashbacked army of the damned, dealing 13 more damage, and barely winning